Speed Drills: Mastering Quickness in Athletic Training

Mike Pawlawski
December 16, 2023

Speed drills will help you run faster, play at a faster pace, and change direction more efficiently.
Speed drills will help you run faster, play at a faster pace, and change direction more efficiently.

Why Athletes Need To Train Speed

As a college quarterback my first exposure to speed training came as I was getting ready for the NFL draft. Our Track coach at Cal and fellow Cal hall of famer Ed White taught me how to run faster and more efficiently during those sessions. Since then I have had the opportunity to watch Dan O'Brien, our speed coach at EliteAthletesTV.com, train athletes on any number of occasions.

As a coach, it's incredible to see what the right speed training program can do for athletes and the great improvements they can make in their speed and athletic development. That's why I asked Ethan Banning, our human performance coach and an expert in Strength, speed, and power development for athletes to give you some of his best tips.

Why Athletes Need To Train Speed

When you consider athletic performance, speed stands out as a fundamental element across virtually all sports. Training speed is crucial because it develops fast-twitch muscle fibers which are essential for explosive movements. If you're involved in sports where sprint performance is paramount, consistently focusing on speed drills can give you a significant advantage. You can learn the techniques for speed from this article here a fully developed and detailed Faster 40 in 40 Days.

Speed is a fundamental aspect of athleticism, and mastering it involves a blend of technique, training, and dedication. Incorporating speed drills into your workout routine can significantly boost your sprint performance, agility, and overall athletic abilities. So I'm gonna share some of my favorite speed training drills that cover all these skills and more.

Enhancing Reaction Time

Through speed training, your neuromuscular system improves, translating to quicker reaction times. This ability to respond faster can be the difference between victory and defeat in competitive environments.

The Importance of Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers

Fast-twitch muscle fibers are crucial for explosive movements. By training for speed, you directly engage and develop these fibers, improving your potential for rapid movements.

  • Speed Training Benefits:
  • Enhanced muscle recruitment
  • Improved neuromuscular efficiency
  • Increased sprint performance

Speed training not only boosts your ability on the field but also optimizes your body's ability to accelerate and maintain higher velocities. By putting in the necessary work to develop speed, you prepare your body to perform at its peak when it counts the most.

The Factors That Affect Speed

Explosiveness is important. We didn't include the drill here but our faster 4o sprint training program includes Box Jumps as part of the training. They're a great drill for your standing start and learning athletic positions.
Explosiveness is important. We didn't include the drill here but our faster 4o sprint training program includes Box Jumps as part of the training. They're a great drill for your standing start and learning athletic positions.

In order to enhance your sprint speed, it's essential to understand the key elements that influence your performance. This comes down to how you generate and apply force, as well as the mechanics of your stride.

Force Creation

Your body’s ability to generate force is foundational to sprinting. Developing explosive power through a strength training program is crucial. This power determines how forcefully you can propel yourself off the ground, leading to faster starts and more efficient acceleration. Focus on lower-body exercises that target the muscles of your legs and hips.

Force Application

Applying force effectively involves proper form as well as the orientation and position when your feet strike the ground. The rule of thumb is that the ground should be hit with a force that is directed backward to propel you forward. Training should include drills that optimize your stance and the use of your legs to apply force in the most advantageous manner.

Stride Length

A longer stride allows you to cover more distance with each leg cycle. However, caution is advised since overstriding can be detrimental to your speed and may lead to injury. A balanced approach is to focus on maintaining a natural stride length while ensuring explosive leg power and flexibility through dynamic stretching and plyometrics.

Stride Frequency

Stride frequency, or the rate at which you take steps, is equally as important as stride length. To increase your stride frequency or foot speed, engage in sprint training that emphasizes quick, repetitive leg movements. Drills that focus on cadence, such as high-knee exercises, can improve the ability to take faster steps without compromising stride length.

Acceleration Mechanics

Find the sweet spot. Leaning forward is good but don't overdo it.
Find the sweet spot. Leaning forward is good but don't overdo it.

Optimizing your acceleration mechanics is crucial for enhancing sprint performance. Proper form during the initial phase of a sprint can significantly impact your overall speed.

Foot Placement

Your foot placement determines the efficiency of your force application when starting a sprint. For effective acceleration, position your feet with your toes on the starting line or just behind it, and keep them hip-width apart. Push off primarily with the balls of your feet, allowing for a powerful and quick start. This ensures that each foot strike propels you forward with maximal force, contributing to a better athletic position and more dynamic start.

  • Stay Linear: Remember, lateral movements detract from linear movement down the field or track. So keep your toes, chest, and eyes downfield or down the lane for best results.
  • Heel Recovery: Keep your heels low during the recovery phase to quickly reapply force in the next stride.

Body Position

Maintaining a proper body position is pivotal for effective acceleration. For a starting position you should lean forward, allowing you to push against the ground with considerable force. Keep your shin angle acute during the initial steps, which aligns with an aggressive forward lean of the body. This position aids in generating the necessary horizontal force for rapid acceleration.

  • Upper Body: Lean your upper body forward, with your shoulders over or slightly ahead of the starting line, ensuring a proper lean and balance.
  • Head Alignment: Keep your head in a neutral position, aligned with your spine, to maintain a streamlined form.

Remember, good form in both foot placement and body position will set the foundation for improved sprint performance.

Different Training Modalities

A-Skip in Place is one modality to condition muscles
A-Skip in Place is one modality to condition muscles

To increase your running speed, incorporating various training modalities will condition your muscle fibers and improve explosive power. These modalities will challenge your muscles in different ways to maximize speed and power.

Resistance Training

Using resistance training, you can enhance lower body strength, which is crucial for explosive speed. An effective method is:

  • Weighted squats: Targets your quadriceps and glutes.
  • are essential for speed drills, as they increase the force you can apply to the ground.


More reps isn't always better. According to conditioning research, work to rest ratio is key whether you're training for sport or you just want to run faster.
More reps isn't always better. According to conditioning research, work to rest ratio is key whether you're training for sport or you just want to run faster.

Plyometrics are exercises that enable your muscles to exert maximal force in short intervals of time, improving your power and speed.

This training mode targets different muscle fibers, specifically the type II fibers, which are responsible for high-intensity, explosive movements.

Sprint Drills

Improving speed will improve your performance for most sports.
Improving speed will improve your performance for most sports.

To directly improve running speed, engage in sprint drills that focus on high-intensity, short-duration bursts of speed.

Sprint drills not only develop speed but also enhance your ability to recover between high-intensity efforts, crucial for sports and speed workouts.

10 Speed Drills To Make You Faster

Remember, speed work encompasses various exercises designed to enhance foot speed, explosive speed, and sprint performance. Starting with the basics, it's crucial to emphasize the significance of proper form in these drills. The starting position sets the tone to build speed for the entire drill, ensuring that each movement is executed with precision and efficiency.

Mastering Techniques for Speed Development  Straight line drills and foot speed exercises are instrumental in developing agility and explosive power. These drills challenge your body to move swiftly and efficiently in a straight line, building essential skills for various athletic activities.
Mastering Techniques for Speed Development  Straight line drills and foot speed exercises are instrumental in developing agility and explosive power. These drills challenge your body to move swiftly and efficiently in a straight line, building essential skills for various athletic activities.

Incorporating specific speed drills into your training routine can significantly enhance your sprinting speed. It's crucial to address each aspect of speed development to see holistic improvements.

The Importance of a Dynamic Warmup

A thorough warm-up routine primes your body for the intense movements involved in speed training, reducing the risk of injury and improving performance.
A thorough warm-up routine primes your body for the intense movements involved in speed training, reducing the risk of injury and improving performance.

Before you dive into speed drills, it's essential to prepare your body with a dynamic warmup. This helps to increase blood flow, elevate your core temperature, and decrease the risk of injuries. Your warmup should mimic the movements of the speed workouts to come, gradually bringing your muscles up to full speed. To optimize your performance, include exercises such as leg swings, arm circles, and lunges that reflect your current fitness level.

Let's Get To Work!

  1. Wall Drills: Wall drills involve standing facing a wall and driving your knees upward in a running motion, focusing on knee lift and driving force.
  2. A-Marches: A-Marches are a dynamic warm-up exercise where you lift your knees to a 90-degree angle, promoting hip flexor mobility and strengthening the core.
  3. A-Skips: A-Skips involve skipping while emphasizing an exaggerated knee lift, encouraging the development of explosive power and coordination.
  4. Broad Jump: A plyometric exercise where you explosively jump forward for distance, engaging the lower body muscles crucial for explosive speed.
  5. Bounding: Bounding is a series of exaggerated, powerful running strides, maximizing the use of elastic energy in the muscles for increased speed and power.
  6. Squats: A fundamental lower body strength exercise, squats help build muscle strength and power in the legs, contributing to improved sprint performance.
  7. Romanian Deadlift: This exercise targets the hamstrings and glutes, crucial muscles for driving force while sprinting, enhancing overall speed capabilities.
  8. Sprinting Drills: Various sprinting drills, including interval sprints, help develop speed, endurance, and proper sprinting mechanics.
  9. Sled Drag/Push: Using a sled with added weight, this resistance sprinting drill involves either pushing or dragging the sled for short distances, building lower body strength and power specific to sprinting while mimicking sprinting movements against resistance, thereby enhancing speed and explosiveness.
  10. Hill Sprints: Running uphill challenges muscles in a different way, enhancing strength and power crucial for sprinting, while also improving stride length and frequency.

Learn From A Gold Medalist!

We have a fully developed and detailed Speed Training Program designed and coached by 3X world record holder and Gold Medalist Dan O'Brien that can help you increase your speed in just 40 days guaranteed!

With fully detailed videos and written instruction, this course is like having Dan there to coach you personally. Improve Your Speed Now and learn what the elite athlete know, Speed Kills!


A thorough warm-up routine primes your body for the intense movements involved in speed training, reducing the risk of injury and improving performance.
A thorough warm-up routine primes your body for the intense movements involved in speed training, reducing the risk of injury and improving performance.

Key Takeaways

  • Your dedication to speed training can significantly amplify your athletic performance.
  • Consistent practice with a variety of drills sharpens your focus and augments your ability to execute movements efficiently.
  • Integrating sprint training into your routine is crucial for developing explosive power and speed.

Speed drills, when performed correctly and with regularity, are pivotal to your fitness progression. Remember that improvement comes with persistent and focused effort.

Developing speed isn't just about raw ability; it's about refining techniques, improving strength, and optimizing your body's capacity for explosive movements with the right speed workout.